Two cowboys were patrolling the border

Two cowboys were patrolling the border1111

Two cowboys were patrolling the border between Wyoming and Utah, one from each state.

In the trail ahead they see a shining object so the cowboy from Utah jumps off his horse excitedly and picks it up.

He has found a genie’s lamp so he gives it a rub and the genie pops out. The genie says, “

Since there are two of you, I will grant you each one wish.”

The Cowboy from Utah says “I want a wall, a mile high all around the great state of Utah.

With this, we will truly have the zion we have always dreamed of.” The genie snaps his fingers and the wall appears.

The cowboy from Wyoming thinks for a few minutes and then starts to laugh. “What’s so funny?” the genie asks.

The Wyoming cowboy just smiles and says, “Fill it with water