The faithfull Husband

The faithfull Husband1111

The Husband comes home with new vacuum cleaner, the kind his wife really wanted. His wife gets suspicious and asks him where he got it from?

He answers:” Remember that shop we went last week, where we saw this vacuum and this sweet lady helped us out and

showed us everything about it but we couldn’t effort it? Well I met this lady today,

we had a nice little talk and she invited me for a coffee to her place. I thought why not.

At her place we hat a coffee and she went quickly to take a shower. When she came back,

she must have forgotten to fully dress. She just stood by the door in her underwear, looked at me and asked me to help myself.

I could take whatever I desire.

His wife’s face turned white and she just stared in shock.

He smiled and said: Well, I said alright, took the vacuum and left.