A mailman walking down the street

A mailman walking down the street1111

A mailman walking down the street saw Little Johnny playing in a pile of shit. He had it between his fingers and smeared it over his body.

The mailman asked him what he was doing and Johnny looked up and said “Making a mailman.”

This pissed the mailman off. He went up the street, saw a fireman, and told him what the boy was doing and what a smartass the kid was.

The fireman said that he would have a talk with the boy.

The fireman walked up to Little Johnny and asked him what was he doing playing in a pile of shit.

Johnny looked up and said “Making a fireman.” This pissed the fireman off so he left to tell a cop.

The cop said that he would have a talk with the boy. The cop asked Little Johnny

“What are you doing, playing with a pile of shit?” Little Johnny looked up and said nothing.

The cop said, “I know what you said to the mailman and the fireman so why didn’t you tell me that you are making a cop?”

Little Johnny looked up and said, “Because I ain’t got enough shit.”.