Need your advice

Need your advice

Need your advice. Grew up with very large ears and have always been conscious of them.

Couldn’t afford to get Otoplasty so I signed up for an experimental procedure that involved growing a new pair of ears on my body which would

replace the old ones with a much more affordable surgical “cut and stitch” procedure.

I signed up, waived all claims, and received a vial with instructions on how to administer the drugs.

The lead doctor made sure to warn me not to overdose on the drug.

I tried speeding things up and decided to use 10 times the dose I was supposed to yesterday night.

I woke up in a horror this morning, with ears covering every part of my body.

I know this is the joke reddit and I shouldn’t be asking for advice here but I’d love advice/help/remedies from anyone who knows how I can fix this.

I’m all ears.