If You’re Confused, Talk To God

If You’re Confused, Talk To God1111

I discovered something recently, when you talk to people, they confuse you even more but when you talk to God, slowly but surely you begin to find your direction, you begin to feel like things are slowly making sense and somehow things just feel right again.

It’s not an overnight epiphany, it’s not a magic wand that will finally wipe away your confusion, it’s just a small step in the right direction, an idea, a small decision or just a new sense of self-worth or wisdom that makes you feel unstuck and sets you free.

Talk to God if you’re confused about someone, he will either move your heart closer or push you away. Signs will show up, you will hear something about them, you will see a side you haven’t seen before, you will slowly begin to make a decision and you will eventually figure out if that’s the right person for you.

Talk to God if you don’t understand why certain things aren’t happening or why certain blessings are delayed, somehow he will give you the reassurance that your patience will pay off, that he is planning something far bigger and greater than what you had hoped for. You will understand, in time, that maybe you weren’t ready to receive what you wanted when you really wanted it, you will understand that the things you wish or pray for change over time. You grow and you realize that what you wished for a year ago is totally different than what you wish for now.

Talk to God if you’re lost. You may not find yourself or your answers right away but you will find a thread of hope, a new piece of information, a gut feeling that propels you to do something you never thought of doing or take a risk you were afraid of taking or just take a leap of faith. He will give you courage, strength and patience to at least stay grounded until you find what you’re truly looking for.

The thing is talking to God doesn’t fix everything overnight, but it gives you the tools and the resources you need to overcome the confusion, overcome the hardships and stay hopeful that better things are coming your way.

Maybe we’re always looking for a quick fix, but quick fixes don’t last, they break easily. Healing takes time. Finding what’s really right for you is a long and tumultuous journey. Miracles take time but they happen and only God can make them happen.

And when you learn how to talk to God, solitude becomes sweeter and somehow you feel safer because you know that there’s nothing you can’t handle. Everything will fall into place. Everything will be okay.