The Longest Memory in the World


One day, a young man takes a trip out West and comes across a little Native American village. He decides, what the heck, he’ll stop and look around.

One of the Native women, seeing that he’s not from around, tells the man he should visit the Chief,

who she says has the longest and best memory in the world.

So the man decides to go visit the Chief and asks: “

So I hear you have the greatest memory in the world.” The Chief answers “I do. I can remember every single detail of my entire life.”

The man figures he should test this, and asks the Chief “What did you have for breakfast on April the 27th, 1959?”

After stopping to think for a second, the chief answers “two eggs.” Satisfied, the man says goodbye to the Chief and eventually leaves the village.

Twenty years later, the man takes another trip out West and comes across the same village.

He’s amazed when he notices the Chief, still alive after all these years.

The man, stops and says hello, so he raises his hand and says, “How” and the Chief replies “fried.”