An old man go by who walks crooked and swaying

An old man go by who walks crooked and swaying1111

Three well-known doctors find themselves talking in front of the entrance to a hotel where they are about to participate in a medical conference. 

While they are there, they see an old man go by who walks crooked and swaying.

Without taking his eyes off him, the first doctor sentences:

“In my humble opinion, this derives from the after-effects of the inflammation of the sciatic nerve…”

The second:
“No, dear colleague, you are wrong. Certainly it is degenerative arthrosis …”
The third:

“I am convinced that it is arteriosclerosis. However, let’s go and ask the interested party directly, so we can remove all doubts and see who is right!”

The three approach the man and the last doctor to speak says:

“Excuse us, we are three doctors and we were alarmed by the way you walk and we have given three different answers as possible explanations:

I believe it is arteriosclerosis, my colleagues believe it is arthrosis or sciatica…”.

The old man listens and promptly replies:

“Then I guess four of us were wrong, because I thought it was air…instead I wet myself!”