A Jewish homosexual is in San Francisco

A Jewish homosexual is in San Francisco

A Jewish homosexual is in San Francisco for Yom Kippur, and hears that there is a gay shul on Canal Street.

He walks on Canal until he sees a synagogue, and enters it. The men are on one side and the woman are on the other.

Seeing a stranger, the shamas invites him up on the bima for an aliya. Standing next to him is a good looking guy, so the gay Jew pinches his toches.

Suddenly, there is silence in the synagogue, followed by murmuring. The gay says, “What did I do? This is a gay synagogue! What did I do wrong?”

The shammes screams that the gay shul is two blocks down the street, and that the gay should get the hell out of this normal shul.

The gay walks down the street and sees a building with the sign, “Gay Brethren of Israel”.

He enters in glee, and sees that again the men are sitting on one side and the women on the other. Only this time, they are holding hands and making out with each other.

The gay takes a seat, and the shammes seeing a new face, invites him for an aliya. The gay is on the bima, and next to him is standing a very good looking fellow.

The gay can’t control himself, and pinches his toches. Suddenly, the synagogue erupts into a mass of murmuring.

The gay says, “What did I do? What did I do? This is a gay synagogue, what did I do wrong?”

One man gets up and says, “Yes, this is a gay synagogue! And we have very few rules here. But one of them is that no one fools around with the rebbetzin!”